
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

7 Questions Every Teacher and Educator Should Ask

Education and Technology have always had a promising, if not tenuous relationship.  Schools, administrators and teachers alike have struggled with how the two can come together in the most prodigious and productive ways possible.  This has been going on for over thirty years... and while there have been some successes, and a large number of promising ideas that have come from it -- the large majority of schools and teachers struggle with the right formula that will consistently breed success.  

And in the end... the answer is that no such formula exists.  Every teacher, every student and every school are different... and because of that, it is an ever changing and evolving area.  But recently the ASCD posted a BLOG on 7 questions  that every educator should ask themselves as the prepare for this upcoming school year.  And these questions speak to how the educator approaches instruction whether it be with or without technology.  I am reposting those questions here, and then linking to the article below so you can see how the ASCD has answered these questions.  But I urge all administrators, teachers and educators in general to answer these questions for themselves before reading the article.

1. Learning -- Who owns the learning?
2. Learning Space -- Do our classrooms empower students to practice creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, communication and contribution?
3 . Partnerships - Does our school have a plan for communicating with families?
4. Assessment - Does our school have a plan for supporting formative assessment?
5. Reflection - How will each staff member create white space for reflection and growth?
6. College and Career Readiness - Would you hire your own students?
7. Image - What makes your school unique?

In the end, the only way to affect change is to create the change... disrupt the norm.  Progress in all areas comes from finding new ways to think and then new ways to do.  If we want to improve continuously, we must question what we do, how we do it and -- why we do it continuously.  Keep reading... and keep asking questions!

Here is the original ASCD article.

Bruce holds a degree in Computer Science from Temple University, a Graduate Certificate in Biblical History from Liberty University and is working towards a Masters Degree in American History at American Public University.  He has worked in educational and technology for over 18 years, specializes in building infrastructures for schools that work to support the mission of technology in education in the classroom.  He also has served as a classroom teacher in Computer Science, History and English classes.  

Bruce is the author of five books: Sands of TimeTowering Pines Volume One:Room 509The Star of ChristmasPhiladelphia Story: A Lance Carter Detective Novel and The Insider's Story: A Lance Carter Detective Novel -- with a new book, Learn the Basics: Digital Forensics, due soon. 

Follow Bruce's Novel releases by subscribing to his FREE newsletter!

Be sure to check out Bruce's Allentown Education Examiner Page, his Twitter and his Facebook!


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