
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Announcement Regarding Upcoming Releases

For those of you who have been following me for a few years, you know that I like to talk about new things I'm working on and sometimes can change course based on how those things flesh out.  I know many of you touch base with me from time-to-time to get status updates on projects that hold particular interest to you.  Since the release of The Insider's Story in 2013, I've completed three complete manuscripts.  Those are Towering Pines Volume 2: The Sound and The Fury, The Kill Commission and the third Lance Carter novel.  What I've found is that once done -- I have not been fully happy with any of these books.  I've actually completely re-thought Towering Pines Volume 2, the Lance Carter book has a number of problems that I haven't been able to resolve and staring at the manuscript for The Kill Commission I feel like it isn't a book that is in my style.
So what does all that mean?

It means that I think it is time for me to take a break from writing fiction.  These manuscripts have turned out the way they have partially because I've been writing because I think I need to write.  The ideas are there, the stories flow but in the end it is the finer points that seem to be missing and with an increase in "real life" time consumers I do not seem to be able to address them in a satisfactory manner.  So I am taking a step back from all three stories.

So, after a lot of soul searching and personal reflection, here is my plan for 2014 and 2015 as of today.

- As of June 30th, 2014 I will be pulling all of my fiction releases from the market place with the exception of Towering Pines Volume One and The Star of Christmas.  If you do not have Philadelphia Story, The Insider's Story or Sands of Time I urge you to get them *now*.  They may or may not become available in their current format again.
- I have a non-fiction introduction level computer science textbook that I've been "on again off again" working on, and I will complete this in 2014 for release.
- I have been working with a screen writer on a movie version of Sands of Time, I will continue that work with an adapted novelization of the final script to be released.  We are making some changes in the details and have a slightly altered storyline that extends the ending in a more final way.  An altered audio book may follow.  The story will likely have a different name when it is finished.  Currently I like: Curse of the Caelitus.
- Around Christmas 2014 I will pull Towering Pines Volume 2 back off the shelf and attack the story again, see how it goes.  I have a revamped catalyst, however the story will still center on Lisbeth's family line and its impact on Liam and the school.
- I will revisit Lance Carter sometime in 2015 after I've reached some resolution on TP2.
- If you have not seen my Instagram, you are invited to follow me and my series of photos "Your Moment of Pennsylvania Zen".  I am toying with the idea of publishing the best of these pictures sometime this year. (

I thank you all for your support and for following me thus far through my journey.  I am certainly not done writing, but I feel like I need to re-examine where the writing is going.  I look forward to my next release that lands in your hands!


The Star of ChristmasThe Insider's Story: A Lance Carter Detective Novel (#2)Philadelphia Story: A Lance Carter Detective Novel (#1)Towering Pines Volume One: Room 509Sands of Time
Best Friends Forever (A Short Story)How to Read the BiblePlaying Guitar for Beginners

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